Corporate Nutrition Consulting & Workshops
I am available for hire as a nutrition consultant. This service is offered to companies, charities and other organisations.
Examples of services available include:
- Health Eating Talks (can cover: general health, stress, productivity, energy, healthy ageing etc)
- Healthy Eating Workshops
- Health Lunches in the Office
- Weight Loss Courses
- Stress Management Courses
Apples to Zinc are experienced in presenting and very passionate about working on new and existing projects. Please get in touch if you would like to discuss your ideas and requirements.

School/Education Nutrition Courses & Workshops
I run a series of nutrition courses suitable for all key stages. This service is offered to nurseries, schools, local authorities and child minders.
Examples of services available include:
- Full PSHE school programme for KS1-4
- Healthy Packed Lunches for Schools
- Advice for School Meal Menus
- Staff Talks on inset days
For the PSHE programme, each course is tailored to the specific age group and works within the non-statutory national curriculum guidelines to increase children’s understanding of healthy eating, its benefits and how to make their own informed choices
Every course is designed to be fun, engaging, interactive and informative. They can either be run in one classroom at a time or as a special assembly topic. The courses all include a 45 minute education session with the opportunity for questions. Information leaflets are included for all child attending courses. Prices vary depending on if they are classroom or assembly based and there is a discount for multiple bookings.
Here is what some of the children have had to say on their courses:
“Really fun & factual – very convincing to eat healthy foods”
“It was really interesting”
“I loved how you talked about what foods we should eat”
The staff talks are designed to educate staff on eating for energy, reduce stress and overall health in order to reduce sick days and increase productivity. I see many teachers one to one and understand the stress involved in the role and how hard it is to sit and take time over eating a lunch.
If you would like more information on how Apples to Zinc can support your school or nursery, please contact me.