Once you have booked with me I will send you a comprehensive health and lifestyle questionnaire and a 3-day food diary to complete before you come to your first session.
The consultations take place in my Maidenhead clinic in a private and comfortable environment. They can also be done virtually using Zoom.
The first session we chat through your questionnaire and I often ask more questions to get a real understanding of your health history and current wellbeing. I also use health coaching skills to really understand your health aspirations, your potential barriers and motivators.
We discuss your food likes and dislikes, your time and budgetary constraints and your cooking skills to enable me to look at foods that we can use to support you. At times I may also recommend supplements to help boost key nutrients.
Sometimes I may recommend further tests to clarify suspicions, investigate further or gain a deeper understanding of symptoms. I will always inform you of my recommendations and they are at an additional cost, unless able to be run through a GP, and are optional.
After your consultation you are sent recommendations to follow, which include meal ideas to work on until your next session
My clinic is open in the daytime and on 2 evenings per week. Zoom consultations are available on request although it is always recommended to be seen in person.
Get in touch to book your free 30 minute exploratory consultation today.