Is Food Stressing You Out?

By Janet Padfield / April 26, 2024

When we think about stress we often think about emotional stressors but do you ever…

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10 Ways To Spring Clean Your Health

By Janet Padfield / March 26, 2024

Every thought to spring clean your health?  We are now officially in spring and buds…

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ultra processed food

Ultra Processed Foods – What Is All The Fuss About?

By Janet Padfield / March 7, 2024

There is an increasing number of newspaper articles and mentions on social media about Ultra…

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Setting Your Word Of The Year

By Janet Padfield / January 2, 2024

New Year often brings about resolutions for weight loss, radical change, financial gain, and big…

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Keeping Healthy In Autumn & Winter

By Janet Padfield / October 9, 2023

My top tips for your health in Autumn As the leaves start to change colour…

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Oats – when a good thing can go wrong

By Janet Padfield / March 9, 2023

It is a well-known fact that oats are great for our health but just having…

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Meal Planning

By Janet Padfield / March 22, 2022

When I mention meal planning to clients, I am either met with enthusiasm or utter…

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5 Common Barriers to Eating Well

By Janet Padfield / January 21, 2022

Are you sabotaging your own success by putting up barriers to eating well? According to…

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How not to comfort eat your way through winter

By Janet Padfield / November 17, 2021

How not to comfort eat your way through winter I don’t know about you but…

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