Vegetarian for A Month

By Janet Padfield / February 1, 2019

Just before Christmas my daughter asked “Can we try being vegans for January?”  I was…

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How to Up Your Vegetables

By Janet Padfield / January 8, 2019

5 A DAY Unless you live in a cave you are likely to be aware…

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How To Survive The Festive Season

By Janet Padfield / December 3, 2018

Christmas is a time that many people let their hair down and indulge.  This is…

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Going Sugar Free

By Janet Padfield / November 13, 2018

Of all the recommendations I give to my clients in clinic, cutting back on sugar…

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Healthy After School Snacks

By Janet Padfield / September 5, 2018

When a child gets home from school they can be pretty hungry.  Being quite small…

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Understanding Sugars in Your Child’s Diet

By Janet Padfield / August 29, 2018

Sugar has been getting a lot of media coverage of late and not for good…

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The Importance of Sleep in Children

By Janet Padfield / August 22, 2018

Lights on or lights off, own bed or in with mum and dad, 10 specific…

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Childhood Obesity

By Janet Padfield / August 15, 2018

The topic of childhood obesity has been hitting the headlines more and more frequently over…

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Healthy Fats and Bad Fats

By Janet Padfield / February 22, 2018

This can be quite a confusing topic.  People often still have the belief that all fats…

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